The Emotional Impact of Diabetes

The Emotional Impact of Diabetes

Diabetes and Pre-diabetes often involves a number of physical issues and changes, but the emotional impact of the condition is rarely discussed. Diabetes and Pre-diabetes can also affect your mood and mental health. Learn more below and by contacting your Mountain View, CA, health experts, Dr. Gayathri Thiru, Dr. Seema Sangwan, and Dr. Gurpreet Padam of the Apollo Health Care Center.

Blood Sugar or Blood Glucose

Your blood sugar or blood glucose levels can impact your mood, and if they are unmanaged, constant mood swings can negatively affect your quality of life.

Both high and low blood sugar or blood glucose levels can affect how you feel, so if you're experiencing sudden changes or notice trends in your emotions, it may be a good idea to test your glucose.

Low blood sugar or blood glucose can leave you feeling confused, nervous, hungry, and tired. High blood sugar or blood glucose can make you feel tense, angry, or nervous.


Stress from being diagnosed with diabetes and stress from managing it every day can all leave you feeling overwhelmed.

To further complicate things, if you're feeling stressed, your body typically reacts in a way that causes your glucose levels to become unstable.

Diabetes and Pre-diabetes also increases your risk of developing anxiety and depression, which can further complicate how you manage your disease.

Diabetes and Pre-diabetes Treatment in Mountain View, CA

There is no easy solution for handling both the physical and emotional issues that can result from diabetes, but there are steps you can take and experts you can turn to. Most of all, it's very important to follow your diabetes treatment plan, which means taking your prescribed medication, following your doctor's advice on diet and other lifestyle changes, and seeing them regularly for your screenings. Ask us about individual Lifestyle coaching sessions.

For help managing your diabetes and Pre-diabetes, you can schedule a consultation in Mountain View, CA, with Dr. Thiru, Dr. Sangwan, and Dr. Padam of the Apollo Health Care Center. Text (650) 456-9739 or call (408) 900-8077.

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Due to limited parking in the front of the building, give yourself additional time to park. Follow the signs to patient parking garage to the right of the building.


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